Sat 16 September 2017 | tags: python, beautifulsoup, spacy, web extraction, natural language processing, graph theory, -- (permalink)

One of my favorite projects during my time at The Data Incubator was people based. It was cool to see how insights can be drawn about people using the information already out there on the web.

The Objective

Simply put, the main point of this project was to find out …

Tue 15 August 2017 | tags: python, web extraction, flask, heroku, bokeh, quandl, requests, pandas, -- (permalink)

Heres a simple Flask App I built that uses quandl's API to return the recent history of a stock. The finished app can be found here.

The github for my project's code is also found here.

The Objective

I just wanted to get an idea of how Flask and python …