A Little About Me

Sun 01 January 2017 | tags: welcome, about, python, -- (permalink)


Hey everyone, welcome to my coding peapod. I plan on documenting my growth as a data scientist and programmer on this blog. I'm glad you all can join me for the journey.

About Me!

Chemist/Conservationist/Engineer/Aspiring Data Scientist

Professionally, I'd describe myself with those labels. I hold a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from City College of New York. My bachelors is in Chemistry from Stony Brook University. Also shoutout to my Brooklyn roots at Brooklyn Technical Highschool!

I have recently finished a difficult data science fellowship with The Data Incubator. Where my eyes have been opened to the power of BIG data. Hopefully my eyes continue to widen and I am trying to document my growth in this blog.

Outside of all that hubbabloo, I enjoy geography, social justice, basketball, musuems, and long walks to the gyro cart.

What's all this for then?

Here in this blog, you can find snippits of code detailing some data science and machine learning projects. I'll also sprinkle in some peas about other topics where I feel that I know enough to form a coherent opinion.

Take a look at the projects and if you have any questions, email me at showmikpodder@gmail.com or find me on Linkedin.

Happy reading!